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Vascular Rehabilitation Centers

In patients with peripheral arterial disease,  exercise training significantly improves walking capacity and function and is a recognized first-line treatment recommended in all major national and international guidelines. Since 2013, this therapy is covered by Swiss health insurances. Specific requirements apply to the rehabilitation programs officially recognized by the SSA. Medical direction of the program and the team is assured by a specialist in angiology. Exercise specialists are recommended to complete the Vascular Diseases module as part of the DAS and CAS «Exercise and Sports Therapy for Internal Diseases» in Bern or the module on vascular rehabilitation for PAD patients in Lausanne both recognized by the SSA. PAD rehabilitation at the SSA is under the professional direction of Prof. Daniel Staub. Certification or re-certification of rehabilitation centers is based on the criteria established in the profile of requirements by the SSA.

Requirements PAD Rehabilitation Center


Overview rehabilitation programs


Certification / Re-Certification


KLV extract for PAD rehabilitation


Registration PAD Long-Term Group

Registration form